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[ AEOLOS P30 ]




An AEOLOS P30 will make your sailing life easier, because heavy boats make sailing life hard.

And all this only because most boatyards have saved on the material of the hull: since the 60's most boats are built of polyester and fiberglass cuttings, a 30 feet ship weighs 4t or more.  All the components become heavier as well, the sails have to be stronger, the mast thicker, the engine bigger, etc. In parallel, everything becomes more expensive.
We take a different approach: we do proper engineering and use carbon prepreg in series production, we can therefore use much lighter components, they also become lighter and MUCH cheaper. We have developed the prepregs ourselves and manufacture them within our group of companies. This allows us to offer fast, inexpensive boats that are incredibly fun to sail and can easily break the 20 knot mark in downwind reach (more information about
prepreg production >>).


We think you deserve to have fun with sailing. That's why we are breaking new ground in series production.

The AEOLOS P30 and 45 are designed for ISO 12215-5, design category A, they have a ballast ratio of 50%. This is the category with the toughest standards designed to be self-sufficient for extended voyages. It is defined as the “category of boats considered suitable for seas of up to 23 feet (7 meters) significant wave height and winds of Beaufort Force 9 (41-47 knots) or less, but excluding abnormal conditions such as hurricanes.

From a purely physical, scientific standpoint, both boats are much easier and safer to sail and handle than typical cruising yachts. Upwind sailing is better, downwind sailing is much easier, all sails are manageable with less effort without technical aids such as e-winches. Movements in waves are faster, but cause less seasickness because of almost no rolling. If it gets too rough, simply reduce sail area, that is such a ship at the same speed through the water even more pleasant, because, as already said, the rolling is less. If you use the speed potential, the hitting upwinds are violent, but you are also about twice as fast. You have a choice, you can get off the throttle. You can't do that with a heavy ship, it never gets that fast.

Port maneuvering: much, much easier to handle when mooring and unmooring thanks to the low wind resistance and weight. Can still be held off, even in windy conditions. The AEOLOS P30 is more forgiving due to the bigger keel and rudder surface.

Designed to be strong

The reason why the boat is strong AND light is the structure. It has am unbreakable keel strongback and a double frame for the shrouds and jib bearing track which supports the keel box. The keel box is supported at the front by a large forward stringer and at the back by a bulkhead and 2 stringers. In case of ground contact, the forces are much lower than with a conventional construction due to the high keel fin head. The forces will be perfectly transferred into the ship. Of course the laminate in the keel area is solid. The bulb and fin are connected with continuous carbon fiber and massive reinforcement in the stress areas.

The space between the two stringers from keel to the transom is a perfect sail storage.


With Solico in the Netherlands we have a very experienced and innovative partner. We developed a new production method for the keel without interruption the fibres on the whole structure, from top to bulb, also in the transition from fin to bulb. Our aim is to prevent the loss of the keel or bulb even under extreme conditions.

The boat comply with the World Sailing/ISAF OSR (Offshore Sailing Regulations), ISO 12215 Category A in double hand modus. Thats means tough offshore sailing is possible. We provide written statements signed by the designer and builder confirming that they have respectively designed and built the boat in accordance with the ISO standard.

We also analysed all critical parts, more than we have to do because of the certification.​ Based on their structural analyses, Solico has done detailed laminate plans.  We are pleased to have some good sailing engineers working at solico.




The hull of the AEOLOS P30 is manufactured in Carbon Prepregs to very high quality standards. We have done a done a lot of testing to find the best process to bond the foam with the carbon. All prepregs will be produced specially optimized for the laminate plans done by solico. We defined a quality process similar to Aerospace standards:
At every prepreg layup and curing process a sample material piece will be produced with the identical materials and resins für testing. Every step is be recorded with photos and signed by the Aeolos Project Manager. The painting follow the ICOMIA Technical Guideline for SY Coatings „Minimum Acceptable Finish and Appearance for Super Yacht Gloss Coatings Edition 1 March 2011“.


Our quality standards:

Classed as a racing boat up to a crew of 6, Class B rules to be followed. With 4 crew Class A rules to be followed. For design and design pressures, ISO 12215-5, Design category A rules will be followed, means upgrade to OSR Category 1 is possible.

Category A:

PAX: 4

Payload: 445 kg (In double handed mode there is an additional buffer of 445 kg payload)

STIX: 34 (Minimum requirement für Cat A 32)

Category B:

PAX: 6

Payload: 635 kg

STIX: 34 (Minimum requirement für Cat B 23)

World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations 2019 (check here >>).


ISO 12215-1 Laminate and adhesive material properties 2000

ISO 12215-2 Core material properties 2002-

ISO 12215-5 Design pressures, stresses, scantlings 2019

ISO 12215-8 Rudders 2012

ISO 12215-9 Appendages 2012

ISO 12215-10 Rig loads and rig attachments 2020


EC Certification KAT A/B, SWISS LLOYD

EN ISP 12212-2 Stability

EN ISO 11812 water pump out, waterproofness

EN ISO 12216 Windows, doors, openings

EN ISO 14945, 14946 badge, payloads

EN ISO 20240 skipper manual


Our partners:

- structural engineering:

- certification:




© Aeleos Composites

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